Saturday 30 March 2024

Inisa Imamship tussle: "Tread carefully and abide by court order " Clerics appeal to Gov. Adeleke

Muslim clerics in Inisa town in Osun State have appealed to Governor Nurudeen Ademola Jackson Adeleke to respect a subsisting court order on the appointment of the new Chief Imam of Inisa Central Mosque.

In the legal tussle in suit number HOS/88/2021 at State High Court sitting in Osogbo, the state capital, the court restrained all the contenders from parading themselves as chief Imam of Inisa Central Mosque.

But the State government in flagrant disregard to the court order appointed one of the contenders, Abdul Akeem as Chief Imam.

Clerics in Inisa, Sheikh Tijani Abdulazeez-Kolawole and Sheikh Abdul-Rasaq Ahmad appealed to the governor to tread carefully and abide by court order which restrained contenders from parading themselves as chief Imam of the mosque.

Abdul-Rasaq Ahmad said, “We were surprised that the governor or government appointed one of the contenders as the Chief Imam of Inisa Central mosque despite the court order restraining all contenders from becoming imam of the mosque. We want the whole world to know this.”


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