Friday 14 July 2023

Baderinwa, Oyeyemi Bicker Over Aregbesola, Oyetola

Mr. Lani Baderinwa, a former Osun state Commissionner for Information and the Secretary of the disbanded The Osun Progressives (TOP) and Chief Oluremi Oyeyemi, the Bobagunwa of Imobi-Ijesa and one of the respected opinion moulders of the modern day Ijesaland elitist class, have traded words over the Osun former APC governor's, Adegboyega Oyetola and Rauf Aregbesola'd alleged power tussle.

Mr. Lani Baderinwa had reacted with his comment on Ogbeni Oladimeji Lasore of the KAKAKIOODUA fame's Facebook post referring to the scornful display against Aregbesola when Alimosho All Progressives Congress (APC) members declared the former Nigeria Minister politically 'dead'.

Commenting on the post Mr. Lani Baderinwa posted; 

"So, the hatred is this much, to the extent of death wish? What exactly is Ogbeni's offence? This negative vibes may make things difficult for Osun APC."

But in a swift reaction Chief Oluremi Oyeyemi posted;

"Aregbesola is a CURSE to Osun State. We vilified Olagunsoye Oyinlola for borrowing 18b naira. Aregbesola put Osun im almost 300b naira debt.

"He destroyed our schools. He made children wear a single uniform.

"He stole our money through inflated contracts especislly on his fake legacy schools.

"He never listened to counseling of the elders.

"He created RELIGIOUS CRISIS in Osun.

"He destroyed APC in Osun.

"He publicly wished BAT dead.

"He betrayed Ijesa people.

"He is a wicked soul. 

"He inflicted Osun with hunger with HALF SALARY. Many people died.

"May this plague called Aregbesola not be inflicted on Osun State ever again  Amen"

Replying, Lani Baderinwa tried to calm Chief Oyeyemi down by referring to his submission as his opinion on the person of Rauf Aregbesola.

"Opinion is free and trading it on Facebook anyhow is the most unfettered. We are supposed to be friends." Lani re-posted 

To this, Chief Oyeyemi seemed to have descended harder as he disagreed on the use of "opinion" by Mr. Lani Baderinwa in his comment reproduced below;

"You call it opinion? I am laughing. AREGBESOLA DESTROYED OSUN STATE and you know that. 

"Do you think I belong to your crowd of untutored praise singers? Your sychophants?  The political hunkers? You know me better than that.

"Is it opinion that he paid HALF SALARY?

"Is it opinion that people died as a result?

"Is it opinion that he destroyed our schools? I use Ilesa Grammar School as an example?

"Is it opinion that OsunState school students were made to wear one uniform?

"Is it opinion that he put OSUN STATE IN DEBT?

"Is it opinion that he destroyed APC in Osun State?

"Is it opinion that he actually wished BAT dead?

"When you are alone... in the quiet recess of your mansion.... meditating and rolling over these FACTS in your mind... your conclusion would be very clear. 

"I AM NOT A POLITICIAN. But I am sufficiently political enough to be concerned about a selfish and destructive politician who caused gnashing of teeth and shedding of tears for the ordinary man.

"Aregbesola aborted a project that would have directly employed 7000 Osun indigines and another 12000 as auxilliaries without any kobo from OSG. This is a public secret.

"His egoistic fight against Gboyega Oyetola is because the man distinguished himself as a better manager and cool-headed leader. Because of that he destroyed the party in Osun State.

"You wrote that "We are supposed to be friends." Really? Hmmmm... I don't know if you are talking about yourself or Aregbesola. I discussed him with Baba Akande. But I will keep that confidential.

"AREGBESOLA is an empty-headed change agent who led a legion of leeches to devastate Osun State and left my people in Ijesa land in the lurch. Bunch of locusts who assumed that "Osun go" (Osun people are foolish) and carted away our resources.

"My prayer is that an audacious kleptocrat like him with an obnoxious temerity to mismanage and destroy would never cross the firmanent of OSUN STATE again.

"In my book... GBOYEGA OYETOLA is a fine gentleman who listened to the people. He is a better manager of resources. Posterity would be pleased with him.

"By the way... as opposed to my "opinion"... I challenge you to "trade" your FACTS here!


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