Saturday 27 May 2023

Police vow to arrest robbery gang who hijacked $11m from Ogun trader

Operatives of Ogun Police Command have launched a manhunt for four-man gang who allegedly intercepted a motorist and stole the sum of $11 million from him at a gunpoint in Oke-Sokori area of Abeokuta, the state capital on Friday.

The armed robbers who were all adorned on black T-shirts, jean trousers, with their faces covered in masks reportedly fled the scene after offloading the $11 million in two ‘Ghana-Must-Go’ bags, from their victim’s car to their own.

While confirming the robbery incident, spokesperson for Ogun Police Command, Abimbola Oyeyemi, said the suspects escaped before police operatives arrived at the scene.

He, however, added that a serious manhunt has been launched for the robbery suspects.

“It is quite unfortunate that the suspects had escaped the scene before our operatives could arrive at the scene.

But I want to assure you that we will definitely get them and bring them to justice,” he said.

“The command had immediately upon receipt of information about the incident, sent a signal across the state to ensure that the suspects are tracked down. All our technical units have been activated and for sure, we will get them”.

“I, however, want to use this medium to assure the good people of Ogun State not to panic as there is no course for alarm; they should remain calm, and go about their normal and routine businesses because our men will surely track down the suspects.”

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