Friday 16 June 2023

Nigerian in Guinea Rumpled Apprentice's Testicle...7 years after condition worsens

                   Ignace Deen Hospital

Mamadou Pathé Diallo was the victim of violence from his Nigerian boss, Jonathan Emenike Nwabaezz, at the large market in Madina in 2016. Following a blow to his genitals, he lost his right testicle. Due to lack of proper care, he is also at risk of losing his left testicle. The lawsuits filed against his boss were not favorable to him. His final appeal to the Supreme Court is still pending as his health deteriorates.

Mamadou Pathé Diallo, 33, has been bedridden at home since 2021. Due to the lack of adequate care, his illness is getting worse every day. This Thursday, we found him alone at home. According to his explanations, he bleeds daily. To support his words, he enters the bathroom to make a video. In it, we can see that the young man's stool and urine are mixed with a large amount of blood. 

In addition to this haemorrhage, the medical examiner, Professor Hassan Bah, diagnosed erectile dysfunction caused by the violence suffered in 2016. “The problem is that I lost my right testicle. Due to lack of care, my left testicle is starting to swell. I have no way of following the proper care. I am hopeless, alone and without a wife. 

"From time to time, I go to the hospital. The doctor consults me for free, but I do not have the means to pay for the drugs,” says Mamadou Pathé Diallo, before asking for help: “I ask for help from all people of good will.” During this fight which turned out badly for the young man, he filed a lawsuit against his Nigerian boss, Emeniké Nwabazzé. Before the Dixinn Court of First Instance, the Nigerian admitted the facts and the judge sentenced him to a 6-month suspended prison sentence and to pay 9 million Guinean francs in damages. The young man appealed this decision to the Conakry Court of Appeal which, unfortunately, upheld the first decision on July 20, 2022. He then tried a last resort before the Supreme Court.

However, to date, the trial has not been opened. It is important to remember that Mamadou Pathé Diallo was hit by his boss at his workplace, who accused him of wanting to steal money from him. The blows to his genitals resulted in the crushing of his left testicle. He was later taken to hospital by neighbours. 

“Once at the hospital, the doctor ordered that I be sent to the DPJ, then from there I went to Ignace Deen Hospital where I had an ultrasound. The doctors told me that one of my testicles was completely crushed. I then underwent surgery to remove the organ,” he explained.

Seven years after losing a testicle in his boss' assault, he is still fighting for his survival, facing serious medical complications and a lack of proper care. Despite the lawsuits, justice has not been favorable to him, leaving Mamadou Pathé Diallo without resources and without hope. His call for help now goes out to all people of good will who could offer him vital support in his fight against pain, injustice and distress. 

By Houssaïnatou Baldé in Conakry

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