Wednesday 21 June 2023

Osun PDP, Adeleke's Perturbation Over Past Electoral Malefaction

The quality of a government cannot be better than the quality of those who find themselves in the corridor of power by whatever means which is epitomized by the prevailing unfortunate situation in Osun State where governance has been hijacked by political renegades and bandits who stepped into Bola Ige House, Abere, via the blood of no fewer than 30 members and supporters of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the series of elections that were held in the state.

The tone of the response of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) whose state chairman, Mr Sunday Bisi, an Ijesa man, who signed the statement on behalf of his party yesterday, was a testimony to the fact that blood is not running in his vein or he has consumed the head of a tortoise which makes him not to have anything doing with empathy as it's on record that no fewer than 17 members of our party of Ijesa extraction formed part of those who were killed in Ijesaland by the PDP goons in order to win the elections for the candidates of the sanguinary party.

The contextual indication of the PDP chairman's statement was that he prioritises electoral victory even if the whole of Ijesaland should go up in flames.

It was a pity that the PDP  could not offer any explanation to the weighty allegation that  members of our party were made to pay the supreme price because of the desperation of Governor Ademola Adeleke and the PDP to win the state for their party by hook or by crook.

The question arises that if any of our members killed were to be any of Sunday Bisi's or Adeleke's relations, would they have treated the criminal acts with such levity and impunity as they have treated the massacre ?

Does the political victory of any reasonable human being, whom conscience has not taken flight from,  worth the blood of fellow human beings?

How do the PDP members, who are the beneficiaries of the violently-rigged elections,   feel when they are in the national assembly and the state House of Assembly flaunting their pyrrchic victory?

I hope it perpetually rings in the subconscious of the beneficiaries of the rigged elections that their fraudulent victory has sentenced copious numbers of the APC members into widowhood and fatherlesshood ?

The previous statement by Governor Adeleke, that alleged our chieftain, former spokesperson of the Senate, Senator Ajibola Bashiru, has brought some fake policemen to Osun State, to arrest some chieftains of the PDP, is a gross admission of failure by the Adeleke-led  government. Or how can an individual pose a threat to a serious and focused state government if there is no more to the spurious allegation than meet the eyes?

Should Governor Adeleke have cried to the Inspector-General of Police for redress when he ought to have explored the option available to his office by contacting the state commissioner of police?

With the subsisting situation in Osun State, there is every reason for discerning minds and right-thinking members in the society to suspect and conclude that  Adeleke and his co-travellers are usually dreadful and sliding to paranoia because of the imminent repercussions of their sins to humanity before, during and after the last elections that were held in the state where their thugs slaughtered like Christmas goats members and supporters of our party.

Obviously, those who murdered sleep in the state are now finding it difficult to sleep.


*Sooko TAJUDEEN LAWAL,                                    Acting Chairman,                                                      Osun State APC.*

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