Wednesday 21 June 2023

Hoodlums break into church, steal food meant for the poor

                     Demonstrative image

Unknown persons have reportedly burgled a church, the Chapel of Resurrection at the Dennis Osadebey University in Asaba, Delta State.

The suspects carted away bags of rice, bags of garri and other food items meant for the vulnerable.

Vicar of the chaplaincy, Rev. Canon Job Akpodiete, a professor, confirmed the incident which he said, happened on June 16.

Prof. Akpodiete who expressed shock at the daring posture of the burglars, said the incident has already been reported to the university’s authorities and concerned security personnel.

“They broke into the church, into the pastor’s office, took items from our storehouse from where we support those who do not have.

“There are bags of rice, bags of garri and other foodstuffs.

“They also took drinks that we use for the entertainment of our new guests and the laptop we use for projection during service.

“This incident is the first of its kind, we have not experienced it before. So it is shocking,” he stated.

Meanwhile, church members were said to have rained curses on the suspects during last Sunday service to mark Father’s Day.

They wondered how the hoodlums dared to defy the sanctuary of God to steal items meant for the poor.

They prayed that the culprits would not only know peace but be exposed for inflicting so much on the church.

The Sun

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