Thursday 20 July 2023

COMMISSIONERS' INAUGURATION: Stop Embarrassing Yourself, Citizenry - Osun APC Cautions Adeleke

The Osun State chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has cautioned the state Governor Ademola Adeleke to desist from being an instrument for lowering the estimation of the entire people of the state in the comity of all the states making up the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

The opposition party in the state stated that it was necessary to come up with this warning as it has become a daily occurrence for the governor to embarrass himself and all the inhabitants of the state for lack of not knowing what to do in the exalted office of a state governor.

It would be recalled that Adeleke stated during the inauguration of his new state executive officers yesterday that he was appointing  Barrister Kolapo Alimi as the 'Minister' in charge of Information and Public Enlightenment, to the surprise of those who attended the swearing-in ceremony of the new commissioners in Osogbo, on Wednesday.

The Osun State chairman of the APC, Sooko Tajudeen Lawal, in a statement issued by the party's Director of Media and Information, Chief Kola Olabisi, in Osogbo today said it was the height of exhibition of ignorance, cluelessness and benightedness by the apparently jittery and dithery governor who was discharging his statutory duty with nervosity on the occasion.

Lawal wondered why the governor's chapron with the government nomenclature of the Chief of Staff could not give the satellite governor who has been running the affairs of the state by proxy, an adequate usual tutorial on the expected roles of the governor at the inauguration of the new commissioners.

The state APC chairman stated further that though it wasn't his business to point out the anomaly and indecency of the Governor Adeleke-led administration to have chosen the same date that the late Hon Olasoji Clement Adagunodo, former state chairman and Southwest leader of the party was being paid his last respect at the WOCDIF Event Centre, Osogbo, to swear in the new commissioners.

He explained that the missing context in this regard is left for the court of the public by the real human beings who possess conscience and superego with the blood running in their veins.

Lawal observed that the assignment of the commissioners to different ministries was as disastrous as it was disheartening as it showed clear cases of putting some square pegs in the round holes which would result to an imminent monumental catastrophy.

He asked rhetorically what could have informed Governor Adeleke to have appointed himself the commissioner for works if not greed and unwillingness for accountability and probity in the office?

In Lawal's words: "We all know who the real unveiled commissioner for work is. It is the fear of what would be the reactions of the members of the public that prevented him from mentioning her name.

"Is it not on record that the unnamed commissioner for works  has been treating the government files in the company of the governor's chaperon in her Ede country home since the inception of this administration while the governor is only invited and shown where he would append his signature without having the knowledge of the contents of the files?

"The reason for Adeleke for appointing the deputy governor to also be in charge of the ministry of Sports and Social Needs is also not fathomable when it is not that there is dearth of qualified persons who worked for the success of the party at the polls regardless of whatever means adopted for the questionable victory.

"The prerogative of the governor to put lawyers in charge of the ministry of education and health is fraught with admissible reasons to any right-thinking members of the society.

"While we are wishing the new commissioners the best of luck in their various ministries, it is our belief that the people deserve the type of the governor and state executive members  that they have.

"It will however, not be proper if it is not registered here that there are few of the commissioners on the list who have distinguished themselves in their chosen fields while it is an impossibility for about three commissioners to write down correctly the name of their assigned ministries", the state APC chairman stated.


*Sooko TAJUDEEN LAWAL,        Chairman,                             Osun State APC.

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