Tuesday 18 July 2023



Fresh controversies seem to be surrounding the continue stay in office of Dr S. A. O. Adegoke as the substantive Rector of Osun State College of Technology (OSCOTECH) Esa-Oke, even after the Executive Order of His Excellency Senator Ademola Nurudeen Jackson Adeleke addressing all last minutes appointments carried out at the the dying days of the APC led administration of His Excellency Mr. Adegboyega Oyetola.

KAKAKIOODUA once reported that the Osun state government led by Senator Ademola Nurudeen Jackson Adeleke has raised questions on all the appointments made by the then Governor Adegboyega Oyetola after he lost the governorship election of July 16, 2022.

His Excellency Senator Ademola Nurudeen Jackson Adeleke and  other PDP chieftains made a categorical statement in the Dailies and radio programmes that all last minutes appointment after the lost of election by His Excellency, Gboyega Oyetola will be revisited and justice will be served accordingly. 

“All appointments in the service of Osun State Government made in any capacity into any capacity in all the Ministries, Departments, Agencies, Commissions, Boards and Parastatals after 17th July, 2022 be and are hereby revised." The governor said during his swearing-in process

A registry staff of the institution who prefer anonymity informed KAKAKIOODUA that a letter came on December,2nd 2022  instructing Dr. Adegoke to vacate the office but that he left and surprisingly came back after two weeks claiming that he "received mercy" from the present administration. 

The agitators for the correction of anomalies surrounding the emergence of Dr. Adegoke as the Rector are emphasizing on his eligibility status and wanton procedural defect in the process of his selection. 

Further investigation by our correspondent revealed that, Dr. S.A.O. Adegoke as at the time of his reappointment was 62 years 3 months which simply means he had just 2 years and 9 months in service.

Whereas, the Osun State Civil Service Rules and Regulations provide for 65 years as the age of retirement. 

Section15 (2) of the Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke Laws Cap 98 Laws of Osun State provides as follows:

 “The Rector shall be appointed by Council subject to the approval of the State Governor and shall be hold office for a term of four (4) years and shall be eligible for re-appointment for another term of four (4) years."

The constitution stated 4 years but the dissolved governing council appointed him till retirement age because he does not qualify for 4 years. 

Telephone calls put across to the Registrar of the college and his deputy were not picked to confirm if he applied for two years nine month or four years as stated by the constitution. 

Lawyers are however arguing that the appointment of an institution's rector is a constitutional matter and indivisible tenure-ship that it cannot be fractioned into one, two or two years nine months  as it related to the case at hand. The appointment should be definite in terms of years and written in a lucid term.

Furthermore, our correspondent was informed by a senior staff at the registry department of the institution who prefer anonymity that due process was not followed on the selection of the incumbent rector.

KAKAKIOODUA investigation revealed that rather than making the advertisement for the appointment of the Rector external, by minimum of two National Dailies, it was made an internal affairs. Thus the process technically excluded the participation of some brilliant and qualified academics of Osun State indigenes that are interested. 

Worst still, even the jaundiced process was marred with irregularities such that nobody knows how the current rector was ranked higher than the other applicants since the interview for the shortlisted internal candidates that manifested their interests did not hold.

 Those that were shortlisted for the interview for the appointment for the office of the Rector of OSCOTECH were:

1. Mr. Adewoyin V. A.: Chief Lecturer at Science Laboratory Technology Department.

2. Mr. Omisore K. A.: Chief Lecturer at the General Studies.

3. Mr. Adeyeri L.O.: Chief Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

4. Mr. Odeyemi E. S.: Chief Lecturer, Estate Management Department.

5. Dr. S. A. O. Adegoke: Incumbent Rector, Estate Management Department.

None of the applicants listed above were interviewed and they all showed up as announced, on the 3rd August, 2022. 

"That five  lecturers came for the interview including some that became Chief Lecturers before the incumbent Rector, They waited till 6pm and later they were told that the interview exercise had been cancelled." Our source confirmed

The resolution of the dissolved governing council is devoid of principle of fairness and equity because they have encroached on other people’s right on the day of interview by secretly appointing a person as rector among others applicants without any specific criterion whatsoever.

KAKAKIOODUA has attempted to get Dr. S. A. O. Adegoke to comment but he was not available in his office.

As the controversies rage on in the college and the administration of His Excellency Senator Ademola Adeleke keeps a sealed lip on the matter, members of the public awaits a categorical and definite pronouncement on the issue. 

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