Sunday 13 August 2023

FG to Reconstitute boards of agencies, parastatals...Sets up panel

Following the dissolution of boards of agencies by the President Bola Tinubu in June 2023, the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, George Akume, has set up an ad hoc committee to review the resumes of individuals who will fill board appointments, Sunday PUNCH reports.

The ad hoc committee is currently being co-chaired by a former governor of Kebbi State, Atiku Bagudu, and a former governor of Jigawa State, Abubakar Badaru.

Our correspondent gathered that the two ex-governors were working hand in hand to achieve a timely submission of names so as to ensure an early resumption of new board members in line with the “renewed hope” agenda.

A text obtained from the office of the SGF indicated that Akume met with Bagudu and Badaru in his office on Friday in Abuja, though it is not yet clear when the final list of names will be submitted.


“An ad hoc committee was set up by the SGF and Atiku Bagudu and Abubakar Badaru are co-chairs. The cabinet is finally in place. So, the only delay now is the constitution of boards of agencies.”

Sunday PUNCH reports that Tinubu had announced the dissolution of boards of the Federal Government’s parastatals, agencies, institutions, and government-owned companies through the office of the SGF.

A statement signed by Willie Bassey, spokesperson to the SGF office had read, “14 agencies listed in the third schedule, Part 1, Section 153 (i), of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria were, however, exempted from the directives.

“President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, has approved the immediate dissolution of the Governing Boards of all Federal Government Parastatals, Agencies, Institutions, and Government-Owned Companies in the exercise of its Constitutional Powers and in the Public interest.

“The dissolution does not, however, affect Boards, Commissions and Councils listed in the Third Schedule, Part 1, Section 153 (i) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended.

“In view of this development and until such a time new boards are constituted, the Chief Executive Officers of the Parastatals, Agencies, Institutions, and Government-Owned Companies are directed to refer matters requiring the attention of their Boards to the President, through the Permanent Secretaries of their respective supervisory Ministries and Offices.”


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