Sunday 27 August 2023

How Adeleke Lied Again In Rwanda About His Commitment To Rule Of Law

As Osun State clocks 32nd year of its creation today, the state chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has warned the state governor, Senator Ademola Adeleke, to stop arrogating to himself the virtues he does not possess, saying such deception is not only ungodly, it makes mockery of decency and common senses, particularly when it is understood by the governed in Osun State that the dance-loving governor is an antithesis and a caricature of what true democracy and rule of law represent. 

The media was awash some days ago of the claim of Governor Adeleke being a democrat par excellence and to the effect that he has been administering Osun State strictly according to the rule of law.

Adeleke was reported to have said, among other things, that: 'African leaders must allow free and fair elections for democratic survival,' adding that 'democracy can only survive in Africa when leaders allow free and fair elections and elected leaders serve the interest of the citizenry'.

Governor Adeleke was also quoted to have stated that: 'I try to practice (sic) what I preach in Osun State. I govern with an eye on the rule of law and due process' during a three-day executive retreat organized by the African Office of the United Nations Development Programme in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda.

In his remark, the Osun State APC chairman, Sooko Tajudeen Lawal, in a statement issued by the party's Director of Media and Information, Chief Kola Olabisi, in Osogbo, the state capital today, observed that Adeleke was dressing himself in a borrowed robe in a foreign land in order to shield his political rapaciousness and repugnant do-or-die philosophy to campaigns and elections.

Lawal hinted that it would be stranger than fiction for Adeleke to lay claim to the rule of law in his administration when it is glaring from his past records that the distance between himself and the rule of law is farther than that of the Moon and the Earth.

He observed that whoever has followed the trajectory of Adeleke and his devotees would not agree less that the Osun State governor is a brutish enforcer of rule of force, as against the rule of law he professes, right from the period of the election campaigns  in the state where he did not allow for free and fair  electoral processes.

Lawal stated that it was an affront on rationality that Adeleke and other desperate politicians in his blood-sucking party  would use the occasion of the Kigali retreat ( designed for upright, godly, honourable and serious public officers) to lecture participants on free and fair elections, when the blood of the innocent APC members they trampled upon to win all the elections is yet to dry.

The Osun State APC chairman explained further that it was absurd for Adeleke to talk about the rule of law and free and fair elections when no fewer than 30 members and supporters of the APC were sent to the great beyond by the daredevil PDP hooligans in their desperate drive to sweep the recent polls for the PDP. 

He said it would be noble and gentlemanly for a political leader to practise what he preaches as doing otherwise would be akin to arrogating to oneself the qualities one lacks in abundance.

Lawal asked Governor Adeleke why, against the extant laws, he chose to suspend the Rector of the Osun State Polytechnic, Dr Tajudeen Odetayo, and queried him eleven days after his purported suspension, if truly his government is an embodiment of rule of law.

The state APC chairman equally reminded Adeleke that an entity who is a genuine apostle of the rule of law would not hijack his party, and ex-communicate original owners of the party who, for fear to their lives, are now watching his government from the sidelines.

He again explained that a genuine believer in the rule of law would not be selective in the payment of the salaries of the government workers as it is to everybody's knowledge that Adeleke has refused to pay the  November 2022 salaries of all the government appointees who served in the government of the former Governor Gboyega Oyetola.

The state APC chairman also went down the memory lane to state that a governor who is an adherent of the rule of law would not snub the court of law by politicizing and dabbling into the obaship institution in the state and suspending, without profound cause, three traditional rulers who were duly enthroned during the tenure of his predecessor.

In Lawal's words: "A governor who is committed to the finest principles of democracy and rule of law would rather officially resign the mandate entrusted in his care, when he is no longer mentally capable to govern the state, than adopting a proxy and regent arrangement in governance as it is being witnessed in Osun State where his elder sister, who did not contest an election, has been the one running his government.

"An ardent doer and believer in the rule of law would neither have a history of bail-jumping  nor have his administration bedevilled with pungent cases of nepotism, ethnocentrism, favouritism and victimization in public offices as it is being observed in the on-going Edenization of the government in Osun State by the low-quality administration of Governor Adeleke.

"It is high time Adeleke stopped the lie-peddling and faced his constitutional responsibility of giving the state effective governance as he promised citizens during electioneering.

The Osun governor should apologise for the show of shame in Rwanda," the APC chairman implored Adeleke.


Sooko TAJUDEEN LAWAL,                        Chairman,                                                    Osun State APC.

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