Wednesday 10 January 2024

No more Indiscipline in Waterways Authority - Oyebamiji

The Managing Director and Chief Executive Office of the National Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA), Alhaji Bola Oyebamiji, has warned that the agency would no longer tolerate indiscipline among its workers. 

This warning was handed by Oyebamiji on Wednesday during a 3-day Special Retreat  organized by the agency for its staff, holding in Lokoja, the Kogi state capital. 

He charged the heads of departments and regional heads to be exemplary and to provide the needed leadership to drive the Renewed Hope Agenda of the President Bola Tinubu administration.

According to Oyebamiji, his leadership would adopt the carrot-and-stick approach in his dealing with management and staff of the Authority.

"Where carrot approach is needed, we will use it. And where we are to use the stick approach, to instil discipline and put people to line, we will not hesitate to adopt it," NIWA boss explained.

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