Sunday 29 January 2023

Election Tribunal: Osun NANS JCC Condemns Sponsored Violent Attack Preceeding Judgement

The National Association of Nigerian Students Joint Campus Committees (NANS JCC) Osun Axis has strongly condemned the violent attack that preceded the judgement of Osun State Election Petition Tribunal on Friday and Saturday respectfully.

A statement by the Chairman of the association, Comrade Niniola Jelili Decent expressed concern over the attacks by political thugs especially in the state capital, Osogbo and called on all security agents to restore normalcy in the state.

He said the association is not comfortable with the several reports of shootings, destruction of properties across the state which are capable of truncating the peace the state have been enjoying for long.

According to him ” the resent political violence attack has become a serious source of concern in the last 24 hours, seeing Osun the adjudged most peaceful state of the federation being shaken to this extent of panicking where people can not move freely as expected is disturbing.

“The activities of the political thugs constitute a serious threat to the security of life and properties and if allow to persist, it may snowball to an uncontrollably full blown crisis”.

“Our members are in various campuses and also residing in major cities and town, the activities of the political thugs endangers the life of the students, hence we are under obligation to call the attention of the authorities before it is too late”.

” As an association, the security of life and properties especially security of the student is our to priority and we therefore called on State Commissioner of Police, State Director of the Department of State Security Services (DSS), the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps,(NSCDC) to rise to the occasion and protect the life of the people”.


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