Saturday 3 June 2023

Details Of Entitlements Awaiting 10th National Assembly Lawmakers

The Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal Commission (RMAFC) ahead of the inauguration of the 10th National Assembly reveals that the total monthly salary and allowances for each senator amounts to N1,063,860.

According to the commission’s spokesperson, Ibrahim Mohammed, the entitlements which would be enjoyed by incoming lawmakers include a basic salary of N168,866.70, car maintenance and fuel allowance of N126,650, and salaries for personal assistants and domestic staff amounting to N42,216.66 and N126,650 respectively.

An entertainment allowance of N50,660 is also included.

Senators also benefit from allowances for utilities (N50,660), newspapers/periodicals (N25,330), wardrobe (N42,216.66), house maintenance (N8,443.33), and constituency (N422,166.66).

Mohammed explained that the allowances are divided into regular and non-regular categories.

He said, “Regular allowances are those paid regularly along with the basic salary.

“while non-regular allowances are those paid as at when due.”

Lawmakers elected during the February 25th National Assembly election will be inaugurated on the 13th of June, 2023.

The Lawmakers are expected to elect their principal officers who will guide them for the next four years.

There had been much attention on who will take over from Ahmad Lawan as Senate President, and Femi Gbajabiamila as the Speaker of the House of Representatives.


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