Friday 2 June 2023

I Will Work For Tinubu If He Invited Me, Says Bode George

A former deputy national chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Chief Olabode George, has said he will gladly work with the  administration of President Bola Tinubu if invited to contribute his quota to nation-building.

George, a long standing adversary of Tinubu, who stated this while reacting to questions from journalists who converged in his office in Ikoyi, said he had no personal issues with the president.

On whether he would agree to serve the country if appointed by the current administration, he said,’’ My reaction, like I have said, there is nothing personal. Look, I trained in the military. You know in the military whoever is in the trench next to you is your brother. When you go out to say what is our mission in the military? It is to defend our country. If he comes and says look, what do you feel about this, what do you feel about that, let’s work together in the interest of this country, why would I refuse? This nation also trained me.

‘’The military trained me. There is no part of the world that I have not been, training and doing exercises. This country trained us. So, we must be able to put something back to the system that would also positively impact on the younger ones, to put a smile on their faces.’’

Commenting on why his party (PDP) lost the 2023 general election,  George said it was because the leaders marginalised some sections of the country.

He said, “They divided Nigeria into six geo-political zones and sought out six top positions in Nigeria, to which each zone will go home with one position or the other. After eight years, all the positions in the North will come to the South so that the issue of the majority perpetually getting the goodies and the minority just being onlookers will be resolved. I have not seen any better system. Remember when APC first came, they said ‘we don’t believe in zoning, what nonsense, we are not going to do zoning.

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