Thursday 15 June 2023

Kindia, (Republic of Guinea) : Six dead in a traffic accident in Tapioka

Six (6) people including two women lost their lives in a traffic accident in the Tapioka sector of the Filigbé district, in the urban commune of Kindia yesterday Wednesday, June 14, 2023 around 4 p.m. On the spot, 4 dead and two others succumbed this Thursday at the regional hospital of Kindia according to the communication officer of this health structure Dr. Moussa Camara:

Indeed, we were informed yesterday of a traffic accident on the national road Kindia-Mamou more precisely in Tapioka. It was a vehicle that collided with a truck. Afterwards, we received 4 bodies including two women, a man and a baby plus two seriously injured who are being treated in the emergency department", stating that it is with a broken heart that "we learned of this umpteenth accident again in our region ".

Motor accidents have become more recurrent in Kindia prefecture. Faced with this situation, the communication manager of this regional hospital invites citizens to be more vigilant. This is why, moreover, "I call on the authorities to take draconian measures, sanctions against the culprits after an investigation into an accident. Drivers to advocate caution because today when the road is good there are problems, when it is bad there are problems. So not to drive at high speed, to respect the Highway Code, ” He concludes.

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