Friday 2 June 2023

Oyo to set up interim committee for transport management

Following the dissolution of the disciplinary committee of the Park Management System (PMS) in Oyo State led by Alhaji Mukaila Lamidi, popularly known as Auxiliary, an Interim Management Committee is set to be established to manage transport operations in the state.

This was disclosed after a stakeholders’ meeting on transport management in Oyo State held at the House of Chiefs, State Secretariat, Ibadan, on Thursday.

The organogram of the management team, sighted by Tribune Online, showed that the management team will be headed by a chairman, who would be a technocrat/professional in Transport Planning and Management, and to be appointed by the governor.

Next to the chairman are consultants, then committee members followed by branch leaders to head local government areas and unit leaders to be in charge of the various parks.

Members of the committee are to be drawn from the various identified transport operator groups, government representatives from various ministries, departments and agencies, security agencies.

The committee is to handle collection of transport revenue, with an office for the committee to be created within the State Secretariat.

The committee, to test run the system for three months and prepare operational reports for government, will also profile all transport operators and take census of all fleets.

Consensus at the meeting was also that government should have a succession plan for PMS operations in the State.

The event, chaired by Professor Duro Adeleke, had notable factional leaders of the motor transport union, security agencies, transport unions, chairmen of local government areas, Ambassador Taofeek Arapaja, Dr Saka Balogun, Senator Hosea Agboola, Mogaji Adanla.

Notable transport leaders to include Alhaji Lateef Akinsola, Abideen Olajide, Hamidu Were, Tomiwa Omolewa, Rasheed Oladele, Kamorudeen Adeyemi pledged to work in consonance with the state government’s new arrangement.

They stressed that their concern had always been that all should be allowed to share from transport revenue rather than a situation where a few persons lord themselves over the revenue.

Giving his remarks, Oyo Commissioner for Police, Adebowale Williams, represented by DCP Akinade Adejobi said the police will continue to take decisive action against individuals, groups fomenting violence.

He particularly said the police was on the look out for people with unauthorized weapons, those selling drugs and alcohol.

He told park leaders to profile their members noting that they would be held responsible if their members are found in possession of unauthorized weapons and hard drugs.


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