Thursday 7 September 2023

Buraimoh Launches Education Foundation in Osogbo.... By Akanbi Omolaja


A US-based but Osogbo-born Adekunle Buraimoh will launch his  Foundation for empowerment of school children on September 16, 2023 at 4pm.

Named Adekunle Buraimoh Foundation ( KB Foundation for short), the endowment is purposed to provide yearly free school supplies to pupils of a selected primary school in a low-income area of Osogbo.

The Foundation also plans to offer scholarships to brilliant indigent students who have valid admissions to federal universities.

Speaking ahead of the grand launch of the Foundation scheduled to hold at Hotel Heritage, Gbongan-Ibadan Road, Osogbo, the Initiator of the project, Adekunle Buraimoh, an IT professional who works with a university in the United States, said the Foundation, a non-political drive, is designed to capture the education needs of some financially challenged young school pupils within the state capital. 

According to him, "The reality provided by the UNESCO data, that Sustainable Development Goal of universal access to quality education by 2030 may not be acheivable given the prevalent poverty in the country, is sobering. So, there is need for all and sundry, particularly individuals and private sector actors, to rise to the occasion and salvage the situation before it gets out of hand. Investing in education is one of the best ways to create positive social outcomes. It is in fulfillment of the foregoing this Foundation was conceptualised. We are beginning with a university scholarship and distribution of writing materials to a selected primary school in Osogbo believed to be resident by low-income earners. By next five years, we plan to cover at least 5 schools within the identified social category."

Mr Buraimoh encouraged other well-meaning Nigerians to offer hands of succour to struggling children yearning for quality basic education because such profound gestures are beneficial in the long run.

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