Monday 11 September 2023

How Alamo of Ayegbaju-Ijesa was attacked and wounded

Gunmen, on Saturday, reportedly shot and wounded Oba Abideen Adeyemi, the traditional ruler of Ayegbaju-Ijesa a community in Atakumosa East local government of Osun state.

KAKAKIOODUA learnt that the incident occurred in the evening after the traditional ruler had successfully hosted invited guests to a celebration of his 18th year coronation anniversary in the community.

An eyewitness (name withheld) recounting the event narrated that Oba Adeyemi had left Ayegbaju-Ijesa in a convoy on a journey to Osogbo but was waylaid at Amuta junction after the Osun State College of Health Technology, Ilesa.

The gunmen apparently lurking around the Anglican Church of the Resurrection, Oke Ayao, Amuta junction, Ilesa opened fire on his convoy with concentration on his vehicle. 

According to KAKAKIOODUA source, the firing lasted about four minutes. The gunmen, presuming they have successfully hit their target later escaped into thin air.

The traditional ruler sustained head and chest bullet wounds and was rushed to an undisclosed hospital where he is responding to treatment. His driver was also hit on his arm.

The reason for the dastardly act on the traditional ruler could not be easily ascertained at the time of filing the report.

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