Monday 25 September 2023

Ondo House of Assembly Serves Deputy Gov'r Notice of Misconduct (SEE COPY OF THE LETTER)

The Ondo State  House of Assembly has served the Deputy Governor the notice of misconduct.  

The letter addressed to Hon. Lucky Orimisin Aiyedatiwa seen by KAKAKIOODUA  listed Financial Recklessness, abuse of office with actions likely to bring down Ondo State Government and publications in print media by his media aides maligning the credibility of Governor Rotimi Akeredolu.

"Pursuant to the provision of Section 188 (2) (b) of the Constitution of the Federal republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended). the Honourable House resolved that your Excellency should be availed with a copy of the Notice for you to respond to the allegations contained therein" The letter signed by Rt. Hon. Olamide Adesanmi, Speaker, Ondo State House of Assembly concluded.

See copy of the letter below:

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