Sunday 8 October 2023

Osun workers demand pay rise from Adeleke after FG’s nod to N35,000 reward

Following the N35,000 reward to workers by the federal government as part of relief funds over the effect of the removal of fuel subsidy, the Osun State Joint Labour Movement has demanded for pay rise from Governor Ademola Adeleke.

The Nation reports that the Acting Chairperson of Nigeria Labour Congress(NLC), Osun State branch, Mrs Modupe Oyedele had written to the Osun Government since the removal of fuel subsidy demanding for meeting to deliberate on workers’ welfare which was not honoured to date.

Meanwhile, a letter titled: ‘Wage Award and Other Reliefs: An Urgent Need For Osun State Workers’ by the Joint Labour Movement (JLM), Osun State dated October 6th, 2023 with reference number JLM/OSS/Vol. 1/05 obtained by The Nation on Sunday demanded approval of an N35,000 reward for state workers.

The letter signed by the chairperson of NLC, Comrade Modupe Oyedele, Chairman of Trade Union Congress(TUC), Comrade Bimbo Fasasi, and chairman of Joint Negotiating Council (JNC), Comrade Lasun Akindele hinged their demand on a directive from their national headquarters to engaged state governments after the nod by Federal Government to N35,000.

According to the letter, “Your Excellency will recall that the state Labour Movement had already written your good self on the subject matter earlier sometime in the month of June and a follow-up reminder was also sent in July to that effect. We are confident that worker’s welfare is important and very dear to your heart.

“It is therefore in this spirit that we urge Your Excellency to graciously approve the agreed sum of Thirty – Five Thousand Naira (N35,000) only wage rewards to all categories of workers across the board in the state service commencing from the month of September 2023 as contained in the signed memorandum of understanding that averted the proposed strike.

“This kind gesture will go a very long way in ameliorating and cushioning the hardship we are going through as workers in the state occasioned by the subsidy removal on the PMS with its attendant biting economic effects and as well motivate your ever loyal and highly supportive workforce to do more.”

The Nation Online 

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