Tuesday 19 December 2023


ABIODUN APONJOLOSUN is one public speaker who can hardly converse in any language except Ijesa.

He sleeps and wakes up, rendering panegyrics with ease.

Today, Aponjolosun is passing through a difficult phase of life. No thanks to a life-threatening disease diagnosed as SEVERE DEGENERATIVE SPINE with Spinal Canal Stenosis by the Afe Babalola University Teaching Hospital (ABUAD).

He has lost the ability to stand erect.

ABUAD gave a bill of N3.5m for the operation, which is far beyond the financial capability of the patient. 

After due consultation with the family and select community leaders, the decision was reached to go public for assistance that would facilitate his quick return to the hospital for the commencement of medical intervention. Delay, according to the Hospital may sentence him to the wheelchair for life.

We are seeking remedial action to his medical condition as well as financial assistance from all. 

 The Account details are:

Access Bank.

Account No  0005001284.

Michael Adewale IDOWU

Adewale Idowu was the immediate past Director General of Osun State broadcasting Corporation (OSBC), a well-embedded in his native Ijesaland, a consummate grassroots leader and mobilizer who loved his people most dearly and passionately.

At home, he is a dependable member of Ijesa Development Council IDC, Ijesa Mineral Resources Development Forum (IMRDF), Iwude Ijesa Planning Committee and a coordinator and representative of thousands of Ijesas outside Ijesaland under the banner of Ijesa People In Diaspora, IPID. He can be contacted on +2348034549675.

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