Friday 24 May 2024

Aree Obaship : Court Lashes Osun AG Over Request to Adjourn the Case Sine Die

The Osun State High Court Sitting in Osogbo has declined the request of the State Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Barrister Jimi Bada to adjourn the case till further notice. 

At the resume hearing on the Friday, Director of Legal Reform in the Ministry of Justice, Barr Kayode Titiloye drew the attention of the court to a letter from the Attorney General requesting the court to to adjourn the case Sine Die, that is till further notice. The AG also accused the Jude of bias in favor of Oba Raphael Oluponle as result of the previous rulings in his favor and further requested that the Judge should step aside saying the AG has no confidence in him to deliver justice. 

The presiding judge, Justice Michael Awe declined the request to adjourn the case till further notice describing it as affront to the court and obstruction of justice saying such request is an attempt to perverse the course of justice and disservice to the rule of law. 

Justice Àwe however adjourn the case  till June 28, 2024 for the Commissioner of justice to provide evidence to the court to establish the allegation of bias before the court can proceed on the matter. 

Counsel to Prince Muritala Oyelakin, D A Ariyoosu also informed the court that his client has appealed the interlocutry injunction earlier granted to stop the presentation of Staff of Office and instrument of appointment to Prince Muritala. 

The judge in his response explained that the appeal is about the interlocutry injunction that has been granted and has nothing to dou with the subtansive matter presently before the court, insisting that the injunction still subsit until it is vacated by the appealate court. 

Counsel to Oba Oluponle Dr Abdurasheed Muritala SAN on his response assured the court that his client his prepared and ready for the hearing and adoption of various submission before the court saying they are not interested in wasting the time of the court. 

It would be recalled that the court on Friday, May 3rd, 2024 stopped Governor Adeleke from presenting staff of office to  Prince Muritala Oyelakin at an event already scheduled to hold on Saturday, May 4, 2024 in Iree after all the preperations have been concluded for the ceremony. 

Oba Oluponnle was appointed by the former Governor Gboyega Oyetola’s administration and presented with the Certificate and Staff of Office, but Governor Adeleke later issued an Executive Order that he should vacate the palace, without recourse to the fact that a case was still pending in court on the matter as at the time.

The government subsequently issued a White Paper nullifying the appointment of Oba Oluponnle and ordered that the case which was instituted against his appointment should be withdrawn before the commencement of a new process.

In violation of its said White Paper, the government subsequently instituted a fresh process of installing a new Aree without withdrawing the suit as spelt out in the said white paper, and theh process produce one Prince Muritala Oyelakin.

Oba Oluponle however approached the state high court to nullify the said white paper and ban Prince Muritala from parading himself as Aree of Iree.

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