Tuesday 27 June 2023

In Face of Fuel Subsidy Removal, Gov. Adeleke Also Cancels Imole Free Train Ride Service (Read Why?)

Governor Ademola Adeleke-led Osun State Government has regrettably announced the cancelation of the IMOLE FREE TRAIN RIDE SERVICE.

According to Osun government, the cancellation was due to the ongoing repair of the damaged rail track between Abeokuta and Lagos by the Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC).

The statement from Osun government further read, “Osun state government regrets to announce that the annual Imole Free Train service scheduled to convey hundreds of passengers from Lagos state to Osun to mark the Eid- El- Kabir celebration will no longer hold. The unfortunate development is a result of serious technical issues being currently experienced by the Nigeria Railway Corporation ( NRC).

“We wish to state with all sense of responsibility and in line with the ideals of Senator Ademola Adeleke’s annual Imole free train service that as soon as the technical hitches get rectified, normal services will resume accordingly.

“We also wish to state that, notwithstanding the present unfortunate development, the administration of Senator Ademola Adeleke will continue to provide the Imole Free Train Service to all our people during all festive seasons without any let or hindrance.”

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