Wednesday 24 January 2024

Alimi's Harague Against Oyetola Is Misplaced, Exhibits Deficiency In Home Training.....By KOLA OLABISI

The overburdened cliche of what's in the blood cannot be out of the flesh played out in the enfant terrible Osun State Commissioner for Information, Barr Kolapo Alimi's needless diatribe against the person of the immediate-past state governor now Minister of Marine and Blue Economy, Alhaji Gboyega Oyetola, in his reactions to the litany of Governor Ademola Adeleke's infractions against the members of All Progressives Congress (APC) in the state.


Ilesa Grammar School at 90

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It would be recalled that the Osun State chapter of the APC held a world press conference on Thursday where all the infractions of the Adeleke administration against the opposition and the state were systematically catalogued.

Painfully and surprisingly in his reaction to the series of the APC allegations against the Adeleke administration and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Alimi described Oyetola as behaving like 'a drunken Chief executive' to the consternation of the right-thinking members of the society who least expected such an uncouth language from a supposed public officer of a commissioner's status.

The outburst of Alimi, former patent medicine seller in Ilobu, in Irepodun Local Government Council Area of Osun State, against Oyetola further exposed his innate state of largely lacking in a parental virtuous home training which has automatically made him to be operating in a burdensome realm of the society.

Whoever has been following the political history of Osun State would not agree less with me that the sin of Oyetola in the private court of the disenchanted loquacious, mannerless and controversial Adeleke's Information Commissioner,  was the wise decision of the Marine and Blue Economy Minister  not to appoint Alimi his Commissioner for Justice and Attorney-General when the former called the shot in the state as the governor.

It was the same reason that Oyetola refused to make Alimi his Commissioner for Justice that necessitated Adeleke to appoint his junior at the bar the state Attorney-General and put Alimi where it is suitable for him as a town crier to suit his past experience of being the Abuser-in-Chief of Oyetola during the days of the every Thursday of the convergence of the infamous  now rested The Osun Progress (TOP) at a location in Osogbo.

For the fact that a profession is a body of knowledge unknown to a layman has made Alimi, a charge-and-bail-lawyer, to ceaselessly put the Adeleke administration into avoidable problems through his non-mastery of the functions of an information commissioner in government.

It is a matter of time that the Erin-Osun-born cantankerous, dyspeptic and bilious Adeleke's town crier who has stepped on toes of some respectable personalities would be shown the way back to his patent medicine  business in Ilobu.

If not that Alimi is both selfish and an ungrateful human being, he ought to have expressed his gratitude to God Almighty who has been magnanimous to have divinely converted his initial aspiration of becoming the council scribe of his local government council area to that of commissioner for local government and chieftaincy affairs where he served for two terms of eight years.

One wonders why Alimi is still feeling less-fulfilled,  bellicose, belligerent, disputatious and needlessly combative over his failure to make the Attorney-General's appointment even under the subsisting infamous administration of the pungently confused Mr Ademola Adeleke.

It was highly indecent for Alimi to have acted like a proverbial pig by swimming in the mud to flagrantly insult his former benefactor who had, among other monies, generously given N500,000.00 birthday gift to Alimi as once attested to by the beneficiary even when he wasn't in government.

Alimi goofed and customarily erred in his verbal assault on Oyetola more so when it is not on record that any of the relations of Alimi has a success life story. Oyetola, on the other hand, is a former distinguished boardroom guru and a confirmed accomplished public officer at various times as Chief of Staff to an Osun State governor, a four-year state governor and the current Minister of Marine and Blue Economy.

Alimi's vituperation against Oyetola borders on the fact that one cannot give what he does not possess and it will be pretty difficult for one to know the value of the type of the personality that is not available in one's family.

May God continue to spare the lives of all the interested parties in this information commissioner's show of shame to enable us monitor where his current obnoxious political appointment will carry him to in his inglorious journey of life.

It is important for Alimi to remove the speck in his own eyes before he considers it desirable to remove from others as the bag of bean in Abere who has been governing the state like a drunken bull in a China's shop subsequently putting the hitherto State of the Virtuous in the news for negative reporting, remains an evergreen embarrassment to the  citizenry among the comity of states in this country.

Before I forget,  Alimi and his ilks should be reminded to release and submit to the government the official vehicles in his care as his being the state Misinformation Commissioner won't confer any special advantage on him in this regard.



*OLABISI is the Osun State APC Director of Media and Information.*          ([email protected]).

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