Monday 6 May 2024

Gov. Adeleke needs help of psychologists - Islamic group


An Islamic organisation, the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC), has described Governor Ademola Adeleke of suffering from "personality crisis" over his claim of being the first governor of Osun to practise both Islam and Christianity, recommending that the dance-loving governor should engage services of psychologists to cure the personal identity problem he is battling.

The group said this in reaction to the governor's statement at the second edition of the public enlightenment programme, "Ipade Imole" recently held in Ilesa.

According to them, "Governor Adeleke does not know who he is and where he belongs. Our governor needs the help of psychologists."

The group added that "the governor's behaviour contravenes the Omoluabi culture of the Yoruba people" that you must not have a divided loyalty.

"There is nothing like one leg in, one leg out. Adeleke should stop desecrating the religion of Islam with his shakala-shokolo antics."

It insisted that there the governor is a hater of Muslims by his lopsided appointment where 17 Christians and just 7 Muslims were appointed into his cabinet.

It also advised the governor to shelve his self delusion of wanting to become an Alhaji and a Prophet in the next few months.

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