Tuesday 21 May 2024

N200m African Traditional Religion Temple Unveils in Osun

A renowned traditionalist, Chief Ifayemi Elebuibon, unveiled a N200 million temple for traditional religion worshippers in Osun State on Tuesday, calling on the federal government to properly harness the religion. He stated that it could generate billions of dollars in revenue through tourism. 

The traditionalist, who unveiled the temple under the aegis of Ile Ijuba Idin Ileke, made this known at the inauguration of the temple in Osogbo. He said the place of worship would not just be for religious activities but also for cultural gatherings where everyone can learn about African cultural heritage.

“This building is the first of its kind in the country; it is our modest contribution to traditional religion with a view to enriching our heritage as a people.”

He charged the Federal Government to recognize African Traditional Religion, which he described as the only means of cultural identity.

According to him, if properly recognized, it can generate revenue in billions of dollars for the country, and that is why adequate attention should be given to the religion.

In his remarks, Chief Ifagbenusola Atanda, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Traditional Religion Worshippers Association, said, “This project is significant. With this kind of place of worship, we won’t lose more members to Western religion. It is important for us to have a place where we can worship Olodumare. It will keep our members together.”

Earlier, a member of the building committee, Ogundeji Elebuibon, said, “We spent about N200 million on this project, and the construction work was completed within 22 months. We raised funds for this project through donations from adherents of traditional religion in the state and beyond. We have godchildren all over the globe, and they all contributed money and sent it to us.”

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